The easiest way to practice pronunciation on the internet for students and teachers

Lots of things are difficult to practice in English, but some things are simple. Our highlighter tool helps English learners with four of the most common pronunciation issues. Continue down the page to learn how.


The S Sounds

Did you know that the letter S can be pronounced four different ways in English?

What does the S sound like in the words class and soft? What about easy and husband? How does the S sound in sure? And television?

Our tool lets you practice the different S sounds by highlighting them in different colors:

  • Sue sits on a seat to start the test
  • Dogs bark as a car's music plays
  • Be sure to apply mission pressure
  • Measure the Asian television

All you need to do is write or copy-and-paste text into the highlighter tool and you will be shown exactly how to say all of the S letters.

Product screenshot